Sexual Health News and Research

Latest Sexual Health News and Research

As STDS proliferate, companies rush to market at-home test kits. But are they reliable?

As STDS proliferate, companies rush to market at-home test kits. But are they reliable?

Parents represent a promising resource in preventing HIV among gay and bisexual male youth

Parents represent a promising resource in preventing HIV among gay and bisexual male youth

First guidance to optimize the use of PROMs for young people with inflammatory arthritis

First guidance to optimize the use of PROMs for young people with inflammatory arthritis

Initiation of intercourse ramps up young women's vaginal immune system

Initiation of intercourse ramps up young women's vaginal immune system

First-time sexual intercourse associated with increases in vaginal immune activity in young women

First-time sexual intercourse associated with increases in vaginal immune activity in young women

Sexual side effects of cancer treatment discussed less frequently with female patients

Sexual side effects of cancer treatment discussed less frequently with female patients

Women in sub-Saharan Africa continue to have higher risk of death following childbirth, analysis shows

Women in sub-Saharan Africa continue to have higher risk of death following childbirth, analysis shows

Research shows higher risk of sexual problems among young women cancer survivors

Research shows higher risk of sexual problems among young women cancer survivors

Researchers secure $4.2 million NIH grant for improving PrEP access and use in the Bronx

Researchers secure $4.2 million NIH grant for improving PrEP access and use in the Bronx

Texas, battling teen pregnancy, recasts sex education standards

Texas, battling teen pregnancy, recasts sex education standards

Clinical practice recommendations provide evidence-based clinical guidelines on the management of erectile dysfunction in Australia

Clinical practice recommendations provide evidence-based clinical guidelines on the management of erectile dysfunction in Australia

Mucus-based prophylactic gel protects against HIV and herpes transmission

Mucus-based prophylactic gel protects against HIV and herpes transmission

Medical coding creates barriers to care for transgender patients

Medical coding creates barriers to care for transgender patients

CDC report shows people with monkeypox have higher than expected rates of HIV and STIs

CDC report shows people with monkeypox have higher than expected rates of HIV and STIs

Researchers review sexual well-being during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Researchers review sexual well-being during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

UK survey reveals outlook of the public towards health information circulating during the 2022 monkeypox virus outbreak

UK survey reveals outlook of the public towards health information circulating during the 2022 monkeypox virus outbreak

Outlook towards Monkeypox vaccination in healthcare workers of France and Belgium

Outlook towards Monkeypox vaccination in healthcare workers of France and Belgium

Study detects asymptomatic monkeypox virus infection

Study detects asymptomatic monkeypox virus infection

Public health agencies adapt covid lessons to curb overdoses, STDs, and gun violence

Public health agencies adapt covid lessons to curb overdoses, STDs, and gun violence

Early 2022 monkeypox virus spread among sexual networks of bisexual and gay males in England

Early 2022 monkeypox virus spread among sexual networks of bisexual and gay males in England